Macy’s Story: Beauty From Ashes


If you don’t believe Jesus can turn a horrific situation into something beautiful, keep reading!

In January 2021, 13-year-old “Macy”* found herself pregnant after being brutally attacked by a gang. Despite pressure from her family to abort, she decided to keep her baby.

I don’t know if I would have had the same kind of faith, courage, and fortitude if I were in her position, but I like to think I would. I also like to think other young survivors of sexual violence will find inspiration in her story.

When Macy was first approached by our children’s advocate, she was understandably despondent. The things she loved most – her family, going to school, playing with her friends – seemed to be slipping away. Without the support of her family, she had few options for her or her baby’s future.

As the bump under her dress grew, she says fewer people would dare to look her in the eyes. She began to feel invisible. But God saw her. God had a plan for her.

After extensive conversations with her family, they agreed to let Macy come to a teen pregnancy center we partner with in Mukono. She was welcomed with open arms.

The Mukono Community Action Team (M-CAT) ensured Macy had access to the physical and emotional support she needed. She received safe shelter, medical care, trauma therapy and emotional support, skills training, and so much more. Perhaps most important of all, she’s learned how loved and valued she is by Jesus.

In Sept. 2021, Macy gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl whom she named Gift. Macy fell in love immediately, bonded with her baby, and dreamed big dreams for them both.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Genesis 50:20)

Gift’s life was preserved! And Macy is just one of many survivors who now have hope and a future. She and Gift stayed at the pregnancy center for several more months while Macy finished her tailoring classes and learned how to be a new mother.

Because of you, communities are fighting sexual violence and girls like Macy (and her baby) are receiving the love and care they need to live happy, healthy, and fruitful lives.

Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and support.

New Update: In December 2022, after a trial visit home and several conversations between our social workers and Macy’s mother, Macy and her baby were able to return home.

Macy’s mother has been taking care of her granddaughter so Macy could return to school. Because Ugandan schools were closed for two full years during the pandemic, Macy was able to re-join her age mates in Primary 7. She completed her primary leaving exam in December 2023 and now plans to complete her secondary school studies. 

*Not her real name

Happy little girl from Uganda

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