Divine Appointments & Connections


There’s a lot to pray about for our ministry, but this morning as I prayed, all I could say was “thank you.” 

Last Tuesday [June 2021], we had a call with the leaders of an organization in Uganda called Petros Zoe. They reached out to us because we share a common mission. Petros Zoe provides a safe place for pregnant teens in crisis.

A few days before our call, a friend asked me what we would do when we came across pregnant girls. I had no answer for her.

As you can probably imagine, Ugandan girls who’ve been sexually abused don’t have many options when there’s a subsequent pregnancy. 

During our call with Petros Zoe, we learned about the incredible work they’re doing to empower teen mothers so they can live healthy, happy, and fruitful lives with their babies. I was so moved by their work I felt the need to encourage them as they beamed through my computer screen like wide-eyed angels. 

We decided to pray about how to begin working together. 

On Saturday, I received a text from Cissy, a former African Children’s Choir member in Uganda. “Uncle, there’s a girl in my village that needs help,” she said.

Cissy went on to tell me about “Macy,” a 13-year-old who was raped by several men in her village. She’s now five months pregnant. Her parents want her to have an abortion, but Macy wants to keep her baby.

A week ago, we may not have known where to turn for help, but Jesus gave us Petros Zoe!

I reached out to Hannah, Petros Zoe’s director, and within 30 minutes, she had contacted Macy’s parents and begun the process of filing a police report. 

I believe our prayers about partnering with Petros Zoe have been clearly answered. We will begin building a community action team together to provide girls like Macy with safety, justice, and healing. 

God keeps bringing us organizations like Petros Zoe, directing our strategy, and providing the resources we need at just the right time. We are so encouraged!

Through your support, partners like Petros Zoe, and God’s grace, we get to rescue one more girl today.

Will you please join us in praying for Macy and her baby?

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

God bless you,

Scott Lambie

Happy little girl from Uganda

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Rescue a child.

Your gift helps restore a survivor’s life by providing safety, justice, & healing.